
Novel. Third book in the Semiosis trilogy. Stevland, the dominant sentient lifeform of Pax, has clandestinely sent some of its progeny to Earth. To explore, to spread, to report back. Since their germination, Earth has been a powder keg. Human rebellion, robot uprisings, and global pandemics have created chaos, distrust, and deaths. As more and more conflicts break out across Earth, Stevland’s children work in the background, in an attempt to control human behavior and perhaps, bring peace to the planet. Stevland took control of Pax. Earth shouldn’t be too difficult…
But carnivory isn’t the worst thing a plant can do.
Tor Books, October 2024

Canyonlands: A Quarantine Ballad by JB Rodríguez Aguilar
Translation of a literary novella. An American photojournalist is on his way home in March 2020 to his family in Chicago. Instead, when the Covid-19 pandemic spreads, he finds himself quarantined in a hotel room in Madrid, Spain. As he watches the statistics of illness and death rise, he retreats to memories of a trip years ago to a North American landscape that was a milestone in his career: Canyonlands National Park in Utah. This leads to a philosophic and very personal chronicle of isolation.
Olympia Publishers, November 2023.

“The Virgin Who Rescues Dragons”
Short story. All is not well in the Archetype Kingdom due to lazy, amateurish authors, but that might change. Dragons, Virgins, Evil Mages, Kings, and Dark Lords, fight back with Writers Blocks, Compelling Motivations, Backstories, and Inner Conflicts.
NewMyths Anthologies Volume 4: The Cosmic Muse, November 2023.

“Embracing the Movement” by Cristina Jurado
Translation of a short story. A wandering hive of spacefaring beings encounters a lone traveler, and its members reach out to communicate and share their struggle for survival. The beautiful imagery hides horrors. Alphaland won the Fantasy Hive 2023 Year-End Award for Best in Translation.
Alphaland and Other Tales, September 2023

Dual Memory
Novel. Antonio Moro find himself alone in a city on an Arctic island fighting ruthless, global pirates with the chance to finally be an artist. And he has an unusual ally, an insolent, extroverted, moody, and a not-quite-legal nascent AI. Together they create a secret rebellion.
Tor Books, May 2023.

“The First Seven Chicons: A History of Ambition, Tradition, and Entertainment”
Article. The first World Science Fiction Convention started sort of by accident. The second one, held in Chicago in 1940, made it into an annual event.
Chicon 8 Souvenir Book, September 2022.

“Sonnet for Six”
Poem. Donated to a charity anthology. These dogs are on a mission to steal your hearts!
Ludlow Charlington’s Doghouse: an anthology supporting Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control, June 2022.

“Speculative Fiction: The Future Happens Everywhere”
Article. Science fiction translators and many publishers want to make the genre reflect its world-wide authorship. This article was written for the journal of the Literary Division of the American Translators Association.
The Source, Spring-Summer 2022.

“Chicon 8’s Logo and Chicago’s City Flag”
Articles. The artist who created the logo for the 80th World Science Fiction Convention, held in Chicago in 2022, drew on the iconography of the city flag. It was an inspired choice.
This two-part article was written for Chicon 8’s Progress Reports. Part 1, November 2021, Part 2, April 2022

“Francine (draft for the September lecture),” by Maria Antónia Marti Escayol
Translation of a short story. Renée Descartes’s daughter dies, and he and his fellow scientists try to bring her back to life using 17th-century science.
Apex Magazine, December 28, 2021

“Who Won the Battle of Arsia Mons”
Novelette. Robots fight to the death on Mars. This story appears in an anthology that collects all the works published by Clarkesworld Magazine during the first half of its twelfth year, October 2017 to March 2018. It includes stories by Kij Johnson, Robert Reed, Carolyn Ives Gilman, Juliette Wade, E. Lily Yu, Tobias S. Buckell, Sue Burke, and many more.
Clarkesworld Year Twelve: Volume One, September 2021 at Amazon.

“In the Weeds”
Short story. What if plants found a way, as they did 300 million years ago in the Carboniferous period, to seize control of the climate?
Over the Edge Again: An Edgy Writers Anthology, August 2021.

“Team Memory” by Carme Torras
Translation of a short story. A basketball teammate winds up on death row, but should he be there?
European Science Fiction #1: Knowing the Neighbours, June 2021

“Embracing the Movement” by Cristina Jurado
Translation of a short story. A wandering hive of spacefaring beings encounters a lone traveler, and its members reach out to communicate and share their struggle for survival. The beautiful imagery hides horrors.
Clarkesworld Magazine, June 2021

Immunity Index
Novel. In a US facing stark inequality and a repressive government, three young women are about to find out that they share a great deal in common. Their creator, the geneticist Peng, made them that way — before such things were outlawed. Notice the Milwaukee skyline on the cover art. The novel also includes a woolly mammoth. Available as hardcover, digital audio, and ebook.
Tor Books, May 4, 2021

“Magic Rules Zero Through Four”
Flash fiction. Magic works, and it can change the future, but one change can affect many things.
Daily Science Fiction, April 19, 2021.


“In the Weeds”
Short story. The Earth has had ecological apocalypses in the past, and what if it has one in the near future when the weeds take command?
Dying Earths Anthology, December 2019.

“Trees of Knowledge”
Article. Trees are smarter than we give them credit for, but they may not be smart enough for we’ve got coming next. Trees — and plants in general — can adapt to changes in amazing ways, but things might be changing too fast.
Slate Magazine, December 2019.

Novel. Sequel to Semiosis. More than two hundred years after the first colonists landed on Pax, a new set of explorers arrives from Earth on what they claim is a temporary scientific mission. But the Earthlings misunderstand the nature of the Pax settlement and its real leader. Even as Stevland attempts to protect his people, a more insidious enemy than the Earthlings makes itself known. Stevland is not the apex species on Pax.
Tor Books, October 2019.

Future Fiction“Francine (draft for the September lecture),” by Maria Antónia Marti Escayol
Translation of a short story. Renée Descartes’s daughter dies, and he and his fellow scientists try to bring her back to life using 17th-century science. The sixteen stories in this anthology showcase futures envisioned around the globe.
World Science Fiction #1: Visions to Preserve the Biodiversity of the Future, August 2019

Sofia Rhei“Techt” by Sofia Rhei
Translation of a short story. An old man living in poverty in a hostile future strives to maintain what literature and “long” language have to offer humanity: sophisticated ideas, beauty, and a life of richer meaning. This is one of five stories in this collection of her works, all dealing with the importance of language.
Everything Is Made Out of Letters, March 2019.

Amadis of Gaul Book IV
amadis_of_gaul_ivTranslation of the 1508 novel by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. The novel was originally written as four “books,” each the size of a modern novel. In Book IV, the story reaches its climax. Amadis of Gaul has rescued Princess Oriana from a forced marriage to the Emperor of Rome. She is secretly Amadis’s wife and the mother of his son. Her father, King Lisuarte of Great Britain, and the Emperor of Rome raise armies and prepare to go to war. Amadis draws on his family and his many friendships to raise his own army. In the past, Amadis has saved Lisuarte in battle. This time they pledge to fight to the death. Only a miracle can save them from mutual destruction. Meanwhile, the enemies of Amadis and Lisuarte see their chance to defeat them both.
BurglarHouse Books, November 2018, paperback and Kindle.
Website: Amadis of Gaul

“We Lost Control a Long Time Ago”
Article. The uncontrollable effect of technology is one thing that sets science fiction apart from literary fiction.
From Earth to the Sky, the Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine Author & Editor blog, May 23, 2018.


“Life From the Sky”
Novelette. This isn’t a good time for an alien life form, no matter how simple and harmless, to land on Earth. All the trouble it creates is not its fault. In its favor, it is silent, while the entire Earth seems to be a chorus of angry, arguing voices.
Azimov’s Magazine, May/June 2018.

cancionantiguaanoldsongCanción Antigua – An Old Song: Anthology of Poems, by Vicente Núñez
Translation with Christian Law. Vicente Núñez (1926-2002) was one of the most daring and important poets of Andalusia, Spain, in the second half of the 20th century, with works that are equally baroque and transparent, local and universal.
Fundación Vicente Núñez, April 2018.

Writing Non-Human Points of View
Article. Not every mind is human, which is a challenge for authors. It’s hard enough to write from a different human point of view, yet if we’re going to write speculative fiction, we can’t let that stop us.
Unbound Worlds, February 2018.

Let Me Talk to the Aliens!
Article. Ted Chiang’s Story of Your Life and why I want to be the translator if aliens ever contact Earthlings. What they say will change the way we think about the universe forever., February 2018.

Where Do Science Fiction Writers Get Their Ideas?
Article. Story ideas come from many sources. This is how I got the idea for Semiosis and how I turned it into a novel.
Chicago Review of Books, February 2018.

Do Your Neglected Houseplants Want Revenge?
Article. Do your houseplants want you dead? No, they’re praying to their green gods for your longevity, hoping they didn’t bet on the wrong animal for care – again.
Tor Forge Blog February 2018.

Novel. A first contact, multi-generational story about colonists on a planet where plants are the dominant life forms — and they see animals, including humans, as their pawns.
Tor Books, February 2018.

Amadis of Gaul Book III
Translation of the 1508 novel by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. Amadis gains fame traveling through Europe as the Knight of the Green Sword, but back in CoverBookIIIsmallGreat Britain, his beloved Princess Oriana gives birth to his son in secret. Then her father decides to give her as a bride to the Emperor of Rome. Amadis must rescue Oriana.
BurglarHouse Books, January 2018, paperback and Kindle.

“Francine (draft for the September lecture),” by Maria Antónia Marti Escayol
Translation. Renée Descartes’s daughter dies, and he and his fellow scientists try to bring her back to life, using 17th-century science.
“Wake Up and Dream, by Josué Ramos
Translation. An old man, revived from cryosleep, tries to grow accustomed to a now-distopic Madrid, although something has gone strangely wrong.
“Tis a Pity She Was a Whore,” by Juan Manuel Santiago
Translation. The music of David Bowie during cancer chemotherapy results in a divergent reality.
All three short stories are in Supersonic magazine, #9, December 2017, at Amazon and Lektu.

“Who Won the Battle of Arsia Mons?”
Novelette. Robots fight it out on Mars.
Clarkesworld Magazine, November 2017.

Amadis_of_Gaul_Cover_for_KindleAmadis of Gaul Book II
Translation. This novel by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo is a masterpiece of medieval fantasy. Amadis is spurned by his beloved Oriana, and he goes off to suffer. Nearly dead from sorrow, he is rescued and returns to her. He fights giants and saves her father, King Lisuarte, only to be betrayed by court intrigue.
BurlgarHouse Books, September 2017.

“The Story of Your Heart,” by Josué Ramos
Translation of a short story. People can get transplants to fix or improve themselves, or they can be donors, by force or by choice. Nominated for the 2017 British Science Fiction Awards.
Steampunk Writers Around the World, Volume I
Luna Press Publishing , August 2017.

“Duffel” by Fernando Cuartas
Translation of a poem. A street that tells the story of a city.
Surreal Poetics, August 2017.

Four poems, “Twilight in Poley,” “Books,” “Hymn I” and “Hymn III, by Vicente Núñez
Translation, with Christian Law. Núñez is one of the most daring and important poets of Andalusia, Spain, in the second half of the 20th century.
The Northwest Review of Books Issue 1: Literature in Translation, July 2017.

“With Wings of Intent”
Flash fiction. A steer rebels against his fate as beef.
Every Day Fiction, June 16, 2017.

“Hamupipöke Emigracióban” (Cinderella in Exile, original title “Cinderella Faraway”)
Short story, translated into Hungarian. Children in a colony on a distant planet hear the story of Cindrella and realize how unlike Earth their new home is. The story is set between Chapter 1 and 2 of my novel Semiosis.
Galaktica vol. XXXVIII, March 2017.

Crowdfunding for literary translations
Article. Crowdfunding isn’t easy money, but a successful campaign brings you more than funds.
Intralingo blog, January 31, 2017.

Translation. A romantic science fiction film about an experimental process that can link the minds of people with quadriplegia and volunteers.
Rebel Films, 2017.

Spanish WomAlucinadasSmallen of Wonder
Translation. An anthology of eleven stories (seven are my translations) written in Spanish by women. Originally titled Alucinadas.
Palabaristas, November 2016.

“To Sleep, Perhaps to Dream,” by Emilio Bueso
Translation of a short story. A woman on a long walk home at night in North Korea meets her late husband.
SuperSonic Issue 6, November 2016. Free download.

”The Perfect Place for Ghosts”
Short story. Madrid is full of chimaeras, ghosts, specters, shades, spirits, and other apparitions, and a neophyte ghost-hunter takes on his first case.
SuperSonic Issue 5, September 2016.

Twilight Of The NormidonsThe Twilight of the Normidons, by Sergio Llanes
Translation. A novel set in an alternate Europe. A Rome-like empire teeters after three thousand years of domination by the Sforza dynasty as rebellions threaten its borders and treason weakens it from within.
Dokusou Ediciones, August 2016.

“They Sing in the Subway”
Short story. When the lights go out, Madrid’s subway becomes menacing.
Madness and Riddance: Madrid Writer’s Club Anthology July 2016.

castlesinspain“Victim and Executioner,” by Eduardo Vaquerizo
Translation. A Spanish steampunk novelette in Castles in Spain, an anthology of stories by Spain’s top authors that changed the direction of its speculative fiction.
Sportula, April 2016.

XXXIII Hispacon/GRXcon
Report. Spain’s 2015 national convention, the XXXIII Hispacon, was held in Granada.
SF2 Concatenation Winter 2106 upload.

Confusion of Confusions, by Joseph de la Vega
Translation. Originally published in 1688 in Amsterdam, this is the first book to examine the wiles of a stock market, “where a man spends his life battling misfortunes and wrestling the fates.” I am interviewed about the book on Radio Sefarad.
Published by the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spanish Stock Exchange Commission), for use as an institutional gift, December 2016.

“Summer Home”
Short story in a podcast, narrated by J. S. Arquin. After a disaster, a homeowner has a list of things to do.
StarShipSofa No. 408, October 2015.

The Tiff: How Should We Review Translations?
Article. What would be the ideal review for a translation, and how does this compare to the tendency to forget the translator entirely?
Asymptote Journal blog, October 21, 2015.

Why Cervantes Claimed He Didn’t Write Don Quixote
Article. The origin of one of the running jokes in Don Quixote lies in those novels of chivalry.
The Source, the quarterly newsletter of the American Translators Association’s Literary Division, Fall 2015.

“Incendios forestales en el invierno” (Forest Fires in Winter)
Short story. Two young witches try to cast a spell to keep a forest from burning. Translated by Antonio Navarro Jarava.
Delirio magazine No. 16, September 2015.

“Pókok” (Spiders)
Short story, translated into Hungarian. On a distant planet, a man and his son take a walk in the forest, where the animals and plants are not what they seem. It takes place between Chapters 3 and 4 of my novel Semiosis.
Galaktika, Vol. XXXVI, September 2015.

Different Beauty, Equal Beauty
Essay. How and why standards for beautiful prose differ between Spanish and English, and how to make a translation from Spanish equally beautiful in English.
Asymptote Journal blog, August 17, 2015.

9781618730992_bigProdigies, by Angélica Gorodischer
Translation. An enchanting novel of the women whose lives pass through an elegant nineteenth century boarding house. Considered Gorodischer’s best novel.
Small Beer Press, August, 2015.

“The Dragoon of the Order of Montesa, or the Proper Assessment of History” by Nilo María Fabra
Translation. The remains of a soldier who had been guarding Madrid’s Royal Palace are discovered far in the future.
Triangulation: Lost Voices anthology, July, 2015.

Report. Spain’s 2014 national convention, XXXII Hispacon, was held in a small town again, this time Montcada i Reixac. Hence the name “MIRcon.”
SF2 Concatenation, Winter 2015 upload.

“Summer Home”
Short story. After a disaster, a homeowner has a list of things to do.
Asimov’s Science Fiction, December 2014.

“Science Fiction from Spain,” by Mariano Villareal
Translation. An article about the history of science fiction in Spain, some of its leading authors, and its attempts to reach an English-speaking audience.
The New York Review of Science Fiction, October 2014.

Fun in small town Spain
Report. A review of upcoming festivals and conventions for fantastic literature in Spain.
CounterClock, June 2014.

XXXI Hispacon/Quartumcon – Spain’s 2013 National Convention
Report. Once again, a small town proved to be the perfect place to hold Spain’s national science fiction convention.
1/5/2014 SF2 Concatenation January 2014.

Why Spanish women don’t write
Article. Of course Spanish women do write and create, but not nearly as much as men. Why?
FemTechNet, November 13, 2013.

II Celsius 232
Report. The second annual festival of horror, fantasy, and science fiction in Avilés, Spain, July 31 to August 3, 2013.
Concatenation, Autumn 2013.

Terra Nova: An Anthology of Contemporary Spanish Science Fiction
Translation. Stories by six top Spanish-language authors, along with an article about the state of science fiction in Spain today.
Sportula, June 2013.

What teachers can learn from acting
Article. Teaching requires both theory and practice. I’ve adapted some of the practices of acting to classroom teaching.
Developing Education, June 17, 2013.

“The Giants of Galtares”
Short story. Based on an incidental character in Chapters 11 and 12 of the novel Amadis of Gaul. A young noblewoman meets good and evil giants — and someone even more unexpected.
Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Issue 111, December 2012.

“The Souvenir You Most Want”
Short story. One of 29 short stories and fiction excerpts from members of Broad Universe, an organization promoting women in genre fiction. Here’s your chance to see what Broads can do.
Broad Spectrum: The 2012 Broad Universe Fiction Sampler, Free download in multiple formats: online in HTML and JavaScript, Kindle, Epub, PDF, RTF, LRF, and Palm Doc PDB.

Book Review: Amadis of Gaul
Article. This site asks you to review you own book. As you might guess, since it’s a book I translated, the review is positive — and a lot of fun: “This book drips with blood.”
Colossus: American Athenaeum: Museum in Words, Autumn 2012.

“The Souvenir You Most Want”
Short story. The best souvenirs may be the most powerful ones, not the prettiest ones.
Uncle John’s Flush Fiction, April 2012.

Castles in Spain: Fantasy writers and publishers have high hopes
Article. Writers of fantasy in Spain face many challenges, especially competition from English-language writers translated into Spanish.
Broadsheet, the magazine of Broad Universe, March 2012.

FinalCoverSmallAmadis of Gaul Book I
Translation. The original medieval novel became a Renaissance bestseller. It includes a preface, introduction, notes to chapters, and an appendix discussing the relationship between Amadis of Gaul and Don Quixote.
at Amazon, January 2012.

“Health, Wealthy, and Wise”
Short story. An American university student comes to Spain on a study abroad project, and her computer-program assistant will do anything to make the visit a success.
Interzone magazine, Issue 232, January-February 2011.

“Zero Hour”
Short story. The clocks are wrong, and that’s a sign of hope.
Daily Science Fiction, October 13, 2010.

From best-seller to oblivion: a Renaissance literary phenomenon
Article. Amadis of Gaul disappeared from respectable bookshelves after being the favorite of kings and emperors, but not because it was cruelly satirized by Don Quixote de la Mancha.
The Internet Review of Science Fiction, November 2009.

The Highest Mile
Essay. I go for a hike in the mountains of Madrid on the Camino de Santiago, where I might find God.
Courting the Bull: An Anthology of Expatriate Literature in Spain, September 2009.

Short story. On a distant planet, a man goes for a walk in the forest with his young son, and nothing is what it seems to be.
Year’s Best SF14, June 2009.

Poem. Translation with Gwyneth Box of “Poe” by Alfredo Álamo, which won Spain’s 2007 Ignotus Award for best genre poem. It also earned an Honorable Mention by Ellen Datlow in her list of the Year’s Best Horror published in English in 2009.
The Magazine of Speculative Poetry, Spring 2009.

Women and Genre Writing in Spain and South-east Asia
Article. Co-written with KS Augustin, it describes the obstacles for women writers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror in those two parts of the globe.
The Broadsheet, the former web magazine for Broad Universe, March 2009.

“Normalized Death”
Short story. Death is normal, but happiness isn’t.
Flash Fiction Online, December 2008.

“Werewolves of Chernobyl”
Short story. The members of the Neuri Indigenous People’s Council want to return to their homeland of Chernobyl to renew their ancient practices as wizards, which include turning into wolves . . . if you believe in that sort of thing, which Antonia doesn’t, but her mom signs her up anyway. The anthology earned 3 stars from Romantic Times.
WolfSongs I Anthology, November 2008.

“No cagaos en la Maritoñi” (Don’t Dump on Maritoñi)
Winner of Spain’s 2008 Ladrillo de Oro (Golden Brick) award for the intentionally worst article about science fiction in Spanish.
Días de vino y fandom, 2008.

“Trafficking in Stolen Gods”
Short Story. Gods are illegal, but that doesn’t make them powerless.
Atomjack, a (former) bimonthly on-line speculative fiction magazine, Issue 11, August 2008.

“Álvaro’s New Life”
Short story. Álvaro has a new life, but only temporarily, and it hurts to be alive and to know that he is dying.
Space and Time Magazine, Issue 104, Summer 2008.

“Jay Lake invited to small, ignored science fiction convention”
Short story. Few people go to Val de Fenestrat, Europe’s smallest and most deliberately ignored country, and there’s a good reason for it. This was written as part of a “sekrit projekt” anthology as a get-well gift for Jay Lake.
Jay Lake: Intelligently Redesigned, a Digitial Alchemy Press anthology, edited by J.K. Richárd with Edmund Schubert as consulting editor. June 2008.

“A Poor, Desert Planet”
Short story. Self-exile won’t keep a man safe when an old enemy gets exiled, too.
Desolate Places anthology, March 2008.

Short story. On a distant planet, a man and his son take a walk in the forest, where the animals and plants are not what they seem.
Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine, March 2008.

“Think Kindly on Our Fossils”
Short story. An asteroid means the end of humanity, an idea that takes a little getting used to.
Triangulation: End of Time anthology, July 2007.

Krazy & Ignatz 1925–1926
Translation, with José María Pallarés, of a Krazy Kat comic book by George Herriman. “Lejos, muy lejos de aquí, hay una tierra feliz.”
Planeta DeAgostini, 2006.

“Telephone Prospecting”
Poem. A cold call to a hot prospect.
Moonlit Path special “heat” issue, August 2006.

“The Sonnet from Hell”
Poem. “…my chance to flee this gravity pit…”
Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine, April/May 2006.

“Poet for Hire”
Short story. Read by Mur Lafferty. With great power comes great euphony and rhythm.
Escape Pod podcast EP047, March 2006.

Madrid Is Weeping
Essay in So Far and Yet So Near: Stories of Americans Abroad. The book is a collection of non-fiction pieces by 47 Americans living overseas around the world.
American Citizens Abroad, February 2006.

“Aliens Love Oranges”
Short story. Read by Mur Lafferty. Aliens might be living in central Florida, and they’d appreciate a friend or two.
Escape Pod, podcast EP030, December 2005.

“Atracción turística” (Tourist Attraction)
Short story. Translated into Spanish. “Los vampiros habían sido muy buenos para el negocio…”
Paura Volumen 2, published in Madrid, Spain, 2005.

“Amanda’s Father Is Fine”
Short Story. High school is hell, especially if your father is dying.
Tales of the Unanticipated, October 2005.

Blarney, Bees and Bare Behinds
Essay. A true story about my father.
Great American Outhouse Stories: The Hole Truth and Nothing Butt, edited by Patricial Lorenz, 2004.

“Sois hermosos, parecidos a mí” (You Are Beautiful, You Are Like Me)
Short story. Cuento corto. Decidí afrontar un relato en un idioma que no he dominado por completo utilizando como voz del narrador la de un extraterrestre.
Artifex Segunda Época: Antología de Literatura Fantástica, Vol. 10, otoño 2003.

“To Find a Dress”
Short story. It began as Spanish class assignment to write about the saying, “El hábito no hace al monje,” or “Clothes don’t make the man.” On that same day, I read a Wall Street Journal article about the Washington, D.C., Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run, and I decided that maybe you are what you wear.
Mota 3: Courage anthology, 2003.

“Who Loved Their Babies More
Flash fiction. Mom versus mosquito.
Thema: Paper Tigers anthology, Spring 2003.

“Aliens Love Oranges”
Short story. I visited my grandmother in Florida, then I wrote about other possible visitors to the Sunshine State.
Abyss & Apex magazine, Issue 2, March/April 2003.

“Tourist Attraction”
Short story. A small town in Iowa takes advantage of every tourist attraction it has.
Bloodlust-UK website, September 2002.

Why You Have a Future
Essay. Suppose you knew when and how you were going to die?
Full Unit Hookup magazine, Summer 2002.

“The Souvenir You Most Want”
Short-short story. Some souvenirs can change you.
Parallax Second Tales, Vol. 1, No. 1, July 2002.

“First Colony’s Fate”
Poetry. Haiku, to be precise.
Science Fiction Poetry Review webzine, 2002.

“Think Kindly on Our Fossils”
Short story. Human fossils, that is.
Voyage Short Story and Poetry Magazine, Issue 12, 2001.

Short story. Colonists on a distant planet discover unexpected intelligent life forms. It later became the opening chapter to Semiosis.
LC-39 magazine, Issue 2, 1999.

“Solana Has Alex”
Short story. Jealousy and revenge survive death.
Whispered from the Grave: An Anthology of Ghostly Tales, DesignImage Group, 1999.

“Every Ill Wind Whispers of Another Feast”
Poetry. About hurricanes.
Dark Regions and Horror magazine, Issue 13, Summer 1999.

Short story. The moral: Never do anything for love.
The Darkest Thirst, DesignImage Group, 1998.

Short story. A young man learns a lot on his first job.
Lynx Eye magazine, Vol. IV, No. 3, Summer 1997.

The Photosythetic War
Essay. When plants kill.
Terra Incognita magazine, No. 2, spring 1997.

“Poet for Hire”
Short story. A poet’s power of the pen is more than she expects.
Czarnina Kid and Other Weird Tales anthology, MGC Publications, 1995.